Plantar fasciitis
Heel spurs
Written by
Friðrik Ellert Jónsson
Last updated May 5, 2023
Taping can be a game changer for Plantar fasciitis. If done right, it can provide immediate pain relief and make your life a lot easier. However, not all taping techniques are created equal. In this article, I'm going to cover everything you need to know about taping and how to use it effectively.
Taping is used to provide support to the foot, reducing the load placed on the plantar fascia. It's a simple way to relieve pain and improve function, allowing you to be more active and engage in the activities that you enjoy.
You can use it whenever you're going to be doing something that places a lot of load on your feet, such as running or walking for an extended period of time.
Make sure that taping is safe for you before you apply it. Taping is not recommended if your skin is compromised in any way. If you experience itching or discomfort because of the tape you should remove it.
While applying the tape can be challenging, it's well worth the effort once you get the technique down. You can watch the video or follow the instructions to learn how to apply it. Make sure that there's tension in the tape when you apply it, the tension is what decreases the load on the fascia and makes the taping effective.
Make sure that your feet are clean and dry when you apply the tape.
To prevent damaging your skin you have to be cautious when you remove the tape. Start by ripping the tape in the centre on the top of the foot and then pull it off carefully while pushing the skin down.
Here are some helpful tips for you.
When looking for tape, use a light tape rather than thick tape. The lighter tape will breathe better and prevent skin damage. This is the tape I use and recommend to my clients.
While taping can provide immediate relief and support, it is not a long-term solution. To find long-term relief, it's important to address the causes of the condition with rehabilitation. You need to perform exercises to increase the capacity of the plantar fascia, making it more resistant to pain. If you're ready to start a personalized rehabilitation program for plantar fasciitis, download the Euneo app today to get started.
Start your rehabilitation journey with the Euneo app today. Get started for free with our 7-day trial.
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When I started I was unable to participate in sports without significant foot pain afterwards. Now I'm back doing my usual activities with minimal discomfort.
Gene Shannon
I've been dealing with Plantar fasciitis pain for so long and have tried everything. After four weeks of the program the pain is almost completely gone. I even started hiking again!
Eliza Ching
United States
Checking off the exercises and getting notified makes it so easy to stay accountable. I made tremendous progress and was back to training in just a couple of weeks.
Patrik Gunnarsson
United Kingdom
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